
Build routes


In config/routes.php, you will see a variable $scope is used to define routes. A scope can have a number of child scopes, there is a single root scope, just like a tree.

You can use the provided API to set up the routes with different HTTP methods.

Rise\Router\Scope::options($path, $handler, [$name])
Rise\Router\Scope::get($path, $handler, [$name])
Rise\Router\Scope::head($path, $handler, [$name])
Rise\Router\Scope::post($path, $handler, [$name])
Rise\Router\Scope::put($path, $handler, [$name])
Rise\Router\Scope::delete($path, $handler, [$name])
Rise\Router\Scope::trace($path, $handler, [$name])
Rise\Router\Scope::connect($path, $handler, [$name])

They all have the same parameter list.

$path : A string to match with the request path. It can contain variables enclosed in braces, e.g.: 'products/{id}'.

$handler : A string consists of two parts separated by a dot. The first part is the class name and the second part is the method name. e.g.: 'App\Handlers\'

$name : This is optional. Route name can be used to generate URL.

Some examples:

$scope->get('/', 'App\Handlers\Home.index', 'root');
$scope->get('/blogs', 'App\Handlers\Blog.list');
$scope->get('/blogs/{id}', 'App\Handlers\');
$scope->post('/blogs', 'App\Handlers\Blog.create');
$scope->put('/blogs/{id}', 'App\Handlers\Blog.update');
$scope->delete('/blogs/{id}', 'App\Handlers\Blog.delete');

Child Scope

Rise\Router\Scope::createScope(Closure $function) can be used to create a child scope. This is useful for grouping some similar routes. Examples of usage are shown in the next section.


Rise\Router\Scope::prefix(string $prefix) can set the common prefix of the path in a scope. e.g.:

$scope->createScope(function ($scope) {

	$scope->get('', 'App\Handlers\Blog.list');
	$scope->get('/{id}', 'App\Handlers\');
	$scope->post('', 'App\Handlers\Blog.create');
	$scope->put('/{id}', 'App\Handlers\Blog.update');
	$scope->delete('/{id}', 'App\Handlers\Blog.delete');

It also supports route parameters, so you can do something like this:

$scope->createScope(function ($scope) {

	$scope->get('', 'App\Handlers\Blog.list');
	$scope->post('', 'App\Handlers\Blog.create');

	$scope->createScope(function ($scope) {

		$scope->get('', 'App\Handlers\');
		$scope->put('', 'App\Handlers\Blog.update');
		$scope->delete('', 'App\Handlers\Blog.delete');


Rise\Router\Scope::namespace(string $namespace) can set the common namespace in a scope. e.g.:


$scope->get('/', 'Home.index');
$scope->get('/blogs', 'Blog.list');


Rise\Router\Scope::use(array $middlewares) is used to set middlewares in a scope. e.g.:


$scope->get('/', 'App\Handlers\Home.index');
$scope->get('/blogs', 'App\Handlers\Blog.list');

Generate Routes

Rise\Router\UrlGenerator::generate(string $name, [array $params]) will return the URL of a named route. e.g.:

In config/routes.php:

$scope->get('/', 'App\Handlers\Home.index', 'root');
$scope->get('/products/{id}', 'App\Handlers\', '');

In src/App/Handlers/Home.php:

namespace App\Handlers;

use Rise\Response;
use Rise\Router\UrlGenerator;

class Home {
	public function index(Response $response, UrlGenerator $urlGenerator) {
		$response->redirect($urlGenerator->generate('', ['id' => 1])); // Redirect to http://localhost:3000/products/1